MID RF Rasskazal O Vezde V Rossiyu Posle Otmeny Ogranichenij Iz Za COVID 19

"Despite the de facto waiver of pandemic measures, one requirement for foreigners remains"

V Rossii Snyaty Koronavirusnye Ogranicheniya Na Vezd Inostrancev

"The new rules came into effect on June 14"

Inostrannym Grazhdanam Zapretyat Polzovatsya Uslugami Surrogatnyh Materej V Rossii

"This is due to the fact that law enforcement agencies have repeatedly recorded cases of death and trafficking in children born to Russian women for foreigners"

V Rossii Stanet Legche Privlekat Inostrancev Dlya Podgotovki Mezhdunarodnyh Meropriyatij

"The list of international events that will be affected by the law, as well as the timing of their holding will be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation"

Izmeneny Pravila Vezda Inostrancev V Rossiyu

"The new rules come into force on July 25"

Pravitelstvo RF Rasshirilo Sposoby Registracii Samozanyatogo

"Both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens will be able to use the service"

V Rossii Vstupil V Silu Ryad Izmenenij V Ekzameny Dlya Migrantov

"The new rules were developed by the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements, a subordinate organization of Rosobrnadzor"

Lawspells Law Firm
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