Gosduma RF Rassmotrit Proekt O Zaprete Na Poluchenie VNZH I Grazhdanstva Trudovymi Migrantami

"The document proposes to limit the duration of a labor migrant's stay in Russia to the validity period of their employment contract"


The Russian State Duma will consider a bill proposing a ban on labor migrants obtaining residency permits and citizenship.

The "A Just Russia — For Truth" faction, led by Sergey Mironov, plans to submit a package of bills to the State Duma aimed at tightening regulations for labor migrants recruited through organized employment programs. The main goal of the initiative is to limit migration flows and prevent uncontrolled movement of foreign workers, RIA Novosti reports.

Unskilled foreign workers arriving through organized recruitment programs would be prohibited from obtaining residency permits and Russian citizenship. Entry into Russia would also be banned for family members of labor migrants, including close relatives.

The duration of a migrant’s stay in Russia would be limited to the term of their employment contract. Once the contract ends, the worker must leave the country, with the employer responsible for organizing their departure. Migrants would also be prohibited from changing employers during the validity of their contract.

Employers would be required to provide financial guarantees, such as a bank guarantee or deposit, to cover costs related to the return of migrants, including cases of forced deportation. Migrants' movement would be strictly limited to the region where they are employed.

Sergey Mironov emphasized that some Central Asian states are strengthening ties with NATO countries, including military-technical and intelligence cooperation. The deputy also noted that uncontrolled migration has become a tool of hybrid warfare, with migration flows being manipulated to destabilize nations.

According to the authors of the bill, the proposed measures will help strengthen national security and create a more effective system for migration control.


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