Gosduma RF Uzhestochila Otvetstvennost Za Organizaciyu Nezakonnoj Migracii

"The maximum penalty will be 60 million rubles"


The State Duma of the Russian Federation passed a law in its second and third readings that strengthens penalties for document forgery related to illegal migration.

Legal entities found guilty of producing or distributing forged documents face fines ranging from 5 to 10 million rubles with confiscation, and for repeat offenses, fines from 10 to 60 million rubles. Fines for individuals forging documents, stamps, and seals are also increased to up to 80,000 rubles, with repeat violations punishable by up to 200,000 rubles.

"This measure aims to prevent the issuance of fake arrival forms for foreign citizens—one of the most common migration-related violations," noted State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin.

Vyacheslav Volodin also reminded that since early 2024, 13 laws aimed at strengthening migration policy have been enacted in Russia. Among them:

- Introduction of deportation for illegal migrants and creation of a registry of individuals banned from being in Russia;

- Limiting the number of SIM cards for migrants and tightening requirements for purchase, including biometric data collection;

- Combating sham marriages and adoptions;

- Revocation of Russian citizenship for evading military registration;

- Governmental pilot projects on new entry and exit regulations;

- Confiscation of property acquired from illegal migration or intended to fund it;

- Classification of organizing illegal migration as a particularly serious crime;

- Increased penalties for violations related to fictitious migrant registration;

- Ban on intermediaries from participating in migrant exams;

- Extrajudicial blocking of websites advertising illegal migration services;

- Classification of crimes committed by individuals illegally present in Russia as aggravating circumstances.

"These measures create a more effective system for countering illegal migration and strengthen the legal framework for combating offenses in this area," stated the State Duma Chairman.


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