13. Vvedena Rassrochka Po Platezham Nachislennym Po Itogam Nalogovoj Proverki

"The amount of debt, which is subject to deferred installments, will not be higher than the value of the net assets of the company"

10. FNS Soobshhila Kak Ischisljajut Shtraf Za Nesvoevremennuju Podachu Rascheta Po Vznosam

"A similar conclusion followed from the June explanation of the Federal Tax Service (FTS)"

4. Bank Rossii Vnov Snizil Kljuchevuju Stavku

"The Central Bank of Russia reduced the key rate again since October 30, 2017"

3. FNS Pojasnila Kak Borotsja S Nezakonnoj Nalogovoj Jekonomiej

"The clarification is addressed to the tax authorities, but taxpayers can learn from it a lot of useful."

FNS RF Uprostila Proceduru Vybora Nalogovogo Rezhima Dlya Individualnyh Predprinimatelej

"Registration as an individual entrepreneur can be issued the next business day after submitting an application through the service"

10. FNS Pojasnila Kak Ischisljat Nalogi I Vznosy Esli Rabotnikam Vozmeshhajut Rashody Na Naem Zhilja

"The compensation can be included to the income tax expenses when, under the terms of employment contract, compensation is a payment for labor"

Pravitelstvo RF Rasshirilo Sposoby Registracii Samozanyatogo

"Both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens will be able to use the service"

Lawspells Law Firm
     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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