Pravitelstvo RF Predlozhilo Shtrafovat Yurlica Za Sdelki S Prestupnym Imushchestvom

"If the amendments are approved, the bill will enter into force 180 days after its official publication"

7. Pravitelstvo RF Predlagaet Registrirovat Vypuski Akcij Cherez Registratorov

"The draft law was submitted to the State Duma on November 21, 2017"

2. Uchastnikam Korporativnogo Dogovora Hotjat Pomoch V Osparivanii Sdelok

"Introduction of data on restrictions to the register, as a general rule, will mean that third parties have been notified of restriction."

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     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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