Gosduma RF Povysila Minimalnyj Dolg Dlya Nachala Bankrotstva Yurlic

"By the new law, the debt threshold has been increased to 2 million rubles"

MID RF Oproverg Plany Zapretit Vydachu I Zamenu Dokumentov Za Rubezhom

"The Ministry "traditionally pursues a policy of information openness""

MID RF Planiruet Uvelichit Srok Prebyvaniya Po Elektronnoj Vize

"The permitted stay in Russia on a single electronic visa is up to 16 days"

V Sovete Federacii Rasskazali O Rabote Po Utochneniyu Migracionnogo Zakonodatelstva

"According to the Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko, immigration legislation needs to be changed"

Gosduma RF Rassmotrit Zakonoproekt O Prekrashchenii Grazhdanstva RF Za Narushenie Prisyagi Grazhdanina

"The State Duma previously approved an amendment on the termination of acquired citizenship for incitement to extremism"

V Rossii Planiruetsya Izmenit Ekzamen Dlya Migrantov

"Rosobrnadzor has allowed the assessment of oral speech in the exam for migrants"

Dlja Osuzhdennyh Migrantov Mogut Vvesti Pozhiznennyj Zapret Na Vezd V RF

"The draft law proposes to establish a lifelong ban on entry into Russia for convicted migrants, regardless of the category of the committed crime"

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