MID RF Oproverg Plany Zapretit Vydachu I Zamenu Dokumentov Za Rubezhom

"The Ministry "traditionally pursues a policy of information openness""

Gosduma RF Planiruet Utochnit Pravila Polucheniya Grazhdanstva RF

"Deputies note that it is necessary to clarify the deadlines and grounds for the procedure"

Gosduma RF Planiruet Uslozhnit Poluchenie Rossijskogo Grazhdanstva

"Deputies have proposed banning individuals with a criminal record from obtaining Russian citizenship"

MVD RF Predlozhilo Uprostit Vozvrashchenie V Rossiyu Dlya Repatriantov

"The department is specifying the group of individuals entitled to the status of a family member of a resettlement program participant"

Vladimir Putin Podpisal Zakon Ob Ogranicheniyah Dlya Vyezda Za Rubezh

"The President of the Russian Federation has signed a law on invalid passports and restrictions on traveling abroad"

MID RF Prorabatyvaet Vopros Vvedeniya Konsulskogo Ucheta Zhivushchih Za Granicej Rossiyan

"The initiative is outlined in the plan of the migration policy concept for the period from 2024 to 2025"

Prinyat Zakonoproekt Ob Uporyadochivanii Grazhdanskih Prav Na Obekty Nedvizhimosti

"The main purpose of the document is to create a unified civil law regime for residential and non-residential premises"

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